Terms and Conditions

Conditions of Acceptance

It is the policy of the Library to only accept book donations when such acceptance furthers the mission of the Library and when the intent of the donor can be reasonably and legally accommodated without undue stress upon the Library’s resources, systems, and staff.

The Library will not accept book donations for which it cannot provide appropriate stewardship.

Specific collection interests include Philanthropic studies and the history, literature, geography, and people of central Indiana. Outdated textbooks, superceded editions, duplicate copies, items in poor physical condition, and periodicals are not appropriate for addition to the collection.

The Library reviews all book donations prior to acceptance and reserves the right to decline an offer of material that is already held in the collections, that does not meet collection needs, or which the Library cannot steward appropriately. In order to facilitate the library’s review, a bibliographic list may be requested of prospective donors.

Donations will not be accepted without consultation with the appropriate subject librarian. Library will make all necessary decisions as to book donations’ retention, location, cataloging, and other considerations related to their use and disposition.

Special terms or conditions requested by the donor should be discussed with the Head of Library or his/her representative before the donation is accepted. Once a donation is transferred to the Library, no part of it will be returned. Materials not suitable for the collection will be disposed of at the library’s discretion as will any donations received without prior review by the library.

Assumption of Title

Materials become the property of the Board of Trustees when the donor signs a gift agreement conveying title, or when an authorized Library representative takes possession. In the case of anonymous book donations, materials become the property of the Board of Trustees when they are received by the library.

Valuation of Proposed Gifts

In order to give donors the most current information and to be in compliance with the pertinent Internal Revenue Service, and State of Indiana regulations, library representatives should contact the Library development officer before discussing tax deductions, gift valuation, gift appraisals, and shipping costs with a prospective donor.

Valuation of library-owned material or material under consideration for acceptance as a gift by the Library, whether by staff or paid or unpaid representatives, is considered a conflict of interest. No references to price or value may be included in any correspondence or acknowledgement letter Gifts with an assumed or appraised value of over rupees 1000 or consisting of more than 100 volumes must be approved by the Head of the Library before acceptance.